วันเสาร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

JMDMT #1893 Microfossils of Cyanobacteria in Carbonaceous Meteorites

The James M. DuPont Meteorite Collection - cataclasis [2], coincident with the crater; (5) sedimentary breccia thickening toward the crater and thickest within it; and (6) abundant ejecta of melt rock. The lowermost crater rock is fractured crystalline basement of Proterozoic age. Cataclastic breccia dikes are included. The overlying monomictic Tandsbyn Breccia (TB) consists of basement fragments. Its upper boundary against the Lockne Breccia (LB) is sharp. The LB has mostly sedimentary clasts from a 70-m-thick succession of marine Cambrian and Ordovician. Some limestone clasts are over 100 m3. The LB grades upward into arenitic Loftarstone [3], which is size sorted, fining upward, and mostly massive. Structures indicate turbidite-like deposition [2]. Lockne Breccia and Loftarstone


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