วันจันทร์ที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Distant Eyes

dragon (drag.on) 1.a fabulous monster variously represented, generally as a huge winged reptile with crested head and terrible claws, and often spouting fire. 2.(now rare) a huge serpent or snake. 3.(in the Bible) a large serpent, crocodile, a great marine animal, or jackal. 4.a name for Satan. 5.a fierce violent person. 6.a severely watchful woman; a duenna. 7.any of the small flying lizards of the East Indian region. 8.(botany) any of various araceous plants, as the jack-in-the-pulpit. 9.a short musket, carried by a dragon (def.2) in the 16th and 17th centuries. 10.(astronomy) the northern constellation Draco. (eye) 1.the organ of sight or vision. 2.all the structures situated within or near the orbit which assist the organ of vision. 3.this organ with respect to the color of the iris: blue eyes. 4.the region surrounding the eye: a black eye. 5.sight; vision. 6.power of seeing; appreciative or discriminating visual perception: an eye for color. 7.(often pl.) look, glance, or gaze: to cast one's eye on a thing. 8.(often pl.) attentive look, close observation, or watch: to keep an eye on a person, to be all eyes. 9.regard, respect, view, aim, or intention: to have an eye on one's own advantage, with an eye to win favor. 10.(often pl.) manner or way of looking at a thing, estimation, or opinion: in the eyes of the law. 11.mental view: in my mind's eye. 12.a center of light, intelligence, influence, etc. 13.something resembling or suggesting the eye in appearance, shape ...


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